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Customize your service with your own logos, URL, domain and much more. Convert your product in your own communication process.
Phone is not enough to assit callers, connect a live chat, dual screen sharing or video will change your support for ever.
Don't hangup your call, stay always connected with established voice call and extend your agent capabilities in just a click.
Ready to run without issues, from any mobile devices, any modern browser and any computer operating system as well.
Remote Viewer is a powerful complementary solution for any call center or phone, chat conversation. It enables to provide web collaboration features keeping your voice or data channel connected.
Remote Viewer includes powerful features to improve any call with chat to share text messages, files or screen. All these features are dual to be simultaneously used by agents or users.
Remote Viewer is designed to detect user's presence, protect your data with a complete SSL peer-to-peer encryption. Phone services are aware to require a no intrusive web communication tool but highly efficient.
Remote Viewer is a special extension for any Call Center (ACD) with secure connectivity and privacy. It has been designed to work as an addon inside Agent CC desktop as well.
Customize your service with your own logos, URL, domain and much more. Convert your product in your own communication process.
Set Audio or not according to your usage. If your use phone calls mute audio by default to speak on the phone without any interruption.
Set video face-to-face or use only web collaboration features. Select the configuration that better match with your own business process.
Send shorten links or a PIN to your users to provide the fastest cnd easiest connection. Remember, at phone a PIN is better, on digital devices copy/paste is better.
Keep your phone channel connected during all interactions. Avoiding a channel change is a game changer in many business processes.